Friday, April 01, 2005

Fun with phrases

2 phrases that we should do everything in our power to invite (back) into the vernacular:
1. No Sweat!
2. Que Pasa?

Now, my feelings on these. First, "No Sweat" has such a delightfully retro feel to it. It brings back memories of Olivia Newton-John in spandex, roller skates, Valley Girls, and neon.

Que Pasa - just a more fun way of asking "What's up?!" Whattup/wazzup is so last century - and I still use it. (Note to reader: It's not that I'm un-hip - shut it - it's just that I am forgetful in my usage of new phrases until it becomes familiar). But que that's got flava.

So bring it. No sweat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm all about incorporating Spanglish into the workforce... vive 'que pasa'!!