Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Twilight Toilet Zone

There is some funky stuff going on in our office bathroom today. This besides the usual "funk" that goes on in there, which I will not get into.

I get in there around 9:10 AM this morning to wash the subway funk off my hands (I call it my kryptonite hand, because anything I touch with it will shrivel and die) and decide to walk into the stalls section to take a tinkle. I open the door from the sinks area to the stalls area and there is an old-lady corset laying in the middle of the floor. At first glance, I thought someone had dropped a peach-colored vest on the floor and then thought, who wears vests anymore? So I took a closer look and there are eye hooks all up the back of it, and it is most definitely a corset. I even went so far as to look for a body under the stall - maybe some old woman passed out or something. Alas, just a corset. On the bathroom floor. At 9 AM. Huh. A few hours later, it had migrated to a hook on the other sinks area, on the opposite side of the stall area. I fear it might have grown legs and gotten there itself - it was a little worse for the wear.

I just made another pit stop and in my stall was a "Surviving Personal Bankruptcy" galley. Now, working in publishing, it is not uncommon to occasionally find a book or galley (pre-book, basically) in the sinks area. But this one was firmly entrenched on the toilet paper holder IN the stall. I guess someone was contemplating their debt while dropping off the kids.

And don't even get me started on the "nesters." That will be for another time.


cassiesq said...

maybe there was some hot sex going on in the bathroom and someone forgot to put their corset back on. That would make for an interesting work rumor.

Anonymous said...

I went in after you a bit later and it was gone, gone, gone...I was really hoping someone would print up flyers, like they do for missing earrings.