Monday, March 26, 2007

JT brings sexy, etc. back

So I am clearly way slow on the curve here (and I'm still one of the people who generally watches SNL), but this is some of the most hilarious shit ever.


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Oh happy day!

Well, I sure as hell wish I was in Iceland or Scotland today, because they have some stellar holidays today:

Scotland: Whuppity Scoorie
Iceland: Beer Day

Well, Iceland's holiday is self-explanatory. And I like it! But what is this "Whuppity Scoorie" in Scotland? These are the people who came up with haggis and kilts, so lord knows.

Well, after some sleuthing, I discovered the basic gist of Whuppity Scoorie:

It's an ancient Scottish custom (possibly Pagan) marking the rite of spring, and youths celebrate it by running around the church three times, while swinging balls made of paper round their heads, and afterwards, pick up coins being thrown to them by the organizers of the festival (aka the church). Also, the balls are called widdershins. The lingo is all very Harry Potter or Dr Seuss (speaking of Dr Seuss, today is the 50th Anniversary of The Cat in the Hat!).

Balls and coins? Sounds like Mardi Gras to me.