Tuesday, April 19, 2005

So you'd almost think I was Catholic...

All these Pope postings. Let's just say I'm glad that we missed the insanity in Rome. I mean, there are barely any public toilets anyway, I cannot even IMAGINE what it was like for a week. Yikes!

So this new Pope. I mean, how crazy-cool would it be? I mean, this is like the end-all-be-all. This guy has ARRIVED. I mean, back in the day, I got all exicted waiting to hear if I made National Honor Society, or Student Body President, or was elected to something that SO pales in comparison.

I mean, don't you think he'd be getting into his new white robe and just be running around the joint yelling, "Holy Shit, I'm the POPE!" I mean, he wouldn't be taking God's name in vain or anything, but even so, when you become Pope, I'd say you're even allowed a little blasphemy. I mean, hell, you're POPE for chrissakes!

It's almost better than being President - you get to sell your propaganda to millions of people who take your word as gospel. He's like George Bush for Catholics. I wish I had that kind of power. Like I could make everyone eat one of those new BK Enormous Sandwiches every Friday and make everyone fat and unhealthy. Just because I say so. That would rule.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought your blog was pretty cool, until I read your Pope rant. Just so's you know, us Catholics don't have to take everything the Pope says as "bond." Bond as in, what he says goes, or what he says is what we believe. There's that whole "he must be speaking from the authority of the Chair of Peter" for that to be true, and if you look at history, that doesn't mean every time he exhorts an opinion or gives an interview.