Thursday, July 14, 2005

Gummy pasta and faux grill marks

Can anyone please explain to me why I delight in Weight Watchers Bistro Selections? What's to love about gummy noodles, perfectly square "chicken" with grill marks (who are they fooling here - I mean, we all know that workers in the entree factory aren't slaving over a grill, individually grillin up 5 trillion lbs of chicken per year) and a sauce that's so loaded with salt that I have to drink 5 extra litres of water to offset it? And it leaves that funky, prepared food taste in your mouth - you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's a kind of coating that you just know isn't right - I mean you don't get that feeling when you eat fruit or veggies or whole grains, aka the good stuff that ain't fun to eat like fake-ass chicken.

Anyway, I had the Bistro Selection for lunch today and utterly delighted in it's weirdness. It's aesthetically pleasing and I don't know why. I actually have never even ordered chicken fettucine in a restaurant. My ex-boyfriend made it for us for dinner once, and I think that's been my only experience.

But one time I was either temporarey blinded by NY's extreme grocery prices or frozen into purchasing while standing with the freezer door open and I decided to go for it. Depending on what state I was in (hungover, half-asleep, happy) I could have just picked the wrong thing entirely. But the first time I had it, I clearly liked it enough to purchase again.

I think what I enjoy the most about these frozen entrees is what appeals to probably every person out there who ever purchases them: easy, one-portion meals that aren't overly bad for you. And sometimes you just want a hot meal. My chicken fettucine only had 5 grams of fat and less than 300 calories. And the processed-ness of it just does something - it makes me nostalgic and comforted at the same time.

1 comment:

Grill It said...

Heather I know you wrote this a long time ago. There is a way and I can help. You just need a simple few cooking lessions. I'm not saying you cant cook you just need to be taught how to do it with little or no fat and low carbs. I own a restaurant called Grill Marks Bistro in Val Caron Ontario. We specialize in grilled foods. You can reach me by email. I'll help you and many nore with a few easy recipes that will help you get off thoese awful diet foods like weight watchers.