Thursday, February 01, 2007

The least of our worries

Ok, perhaps this stunt by the Cartoon Network was in poor taste.

But I think it is absolutely absurd that the two guys (who are probably lower level employees with the marketing firm) who were chosen to place them in locations are being arrested. I mean, the were just the messenger - I think the big guys should be more resposible than the poor worker bees.

Also, isn't this just a bit overreacting? I mean, it was basically a flashing Lite-Brite. Come on people, paranoid, some?


DP said...

Although, to their credit, they seem to be taking the whole thing with a pretty good chuckle.

I loved when they said they'd only talk about haircuts from the 70's when they were interviewed, and then when the reporters couldn't get any dirt they accused the two guys of not taking it seriously.

When no reporters asked about 70's hair cuts, they replied by suggesting the reporters weren't taking the interview seriously, either.

I love the balls of that.

cassiesq said...

It was all over the news here in ATL since it is where Turner is Headquartered. Now they are paying 2 million dollars to help the Boston police recover the money spent.

Why would anything think that thing was a bomb?