Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I love you FCC!

Finally, the FCC does something smart by banning cell phone use on airplanes!

Just having to deal with morons talking on their cell phones on city buses, which is the most annoying thing ever (and don't even get me started on the dumb girl behind me in the lunch line yesterday who was talking to someone about what to get for lunch...lame!), the air travel cell phone debacle would be disruptive an unbearable. Especially when you think about how loudly people would have to talk to be heard over the plane noise. I know I have to crank my headphones when I'm on a plane because of this large, noise-inducer called an engine.

Let's hope this rule sticks (and if the FAA can please just relax the damn carry on rules so I don't have to check everything? Thanks).

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