Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Save the books!

Books are an endangered species. Well, not books per se - believe me, we publish more and more of them every year. But book coverage is shrinking - already in the last year we've (collective we, as in "the book publishing industry," of which I am part of) seen 4 major metro newspaper nix coverage altogether. And now, the latest casualty, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. But finally, an uproar!

The industry will not take this. Already I see more reviews and coverage of video games than books anymore. It's an uphill battle that I wage daily, as a publicist who's main job description is to get review coverage for books. In the more than 6 years that I have been in this industry, I've seen it change dramatically - for the better and worse. I won't get into the boring details here.

But, if you read books, as I do, or you like books, or even if you just use them to wipe your ass (blasphemy!), sign the petition to save book coverage (and perhaps, books) here.

And after that, read a hilarious posting from one of my favorite all-around great authors (and people) George Saunders, certified genius. And join his Army here.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so THIS is what silence sounds like!