Monday, August 28, 2006

Chronicles of Snasty, Vol. 1

At my chica Erica's request, and on her tip, I've decided to write about the further disgusting freaks that frequent the 5th Fl. bathroom at my hub of employment, 375 Hudson St.

Erica just let me know that someone was clipping their toenails in the bathroom. I guess I should at least be happy that they were in a closed stall doing this (Erica heard the clips and saw the stance, hence how she knew) , since I've seen people do this on the subway in the open, no qualms at all.

However, SHE WAS CLIPPING HER TOENAILS IN A WORKPLACE BATHROOM! I tend to think there are bylaws in my company that do not allow this. And Erica verified that one leg was up ON the toilet seat for the proper clippage. This is distrubing on many levels, because now I might end up sitting on her snasty foot. And lord hopes she got some funk on her foot, if she's tacky enough to clip the toes over the toilet.

It is completely unacceptable anywhere aside from over a wastebasket in your home or bathroom (Erica concurs).

Bring on your snasty workplace bathroom stories!

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